The School Counselling Service
Abbey Community College works in partnership with Family Works NI ( to provide counselling for our students. Students can be referred to our Familyworks counsellor for any of the following. Family issues, anxiety, bullying, bereavement, exam stress, low mood, dealing with change/ transition, LGBTQ, identity, self-esteem, health and anger are a range of examples of areas that students can be referred for.
Promotional of School Counselling
The contact details of our counselling support are also included in the student planner and the counsellor will introduce themselves at Year group assemblies during the month of September.
Posters advertising the Key Contact and School Counsellor will be displayed around the school and key support messages will be placed on notice boards as well as in the Health & Wellbeing room.
Members of the Pastoral Team will complete referrals and pass them on to the school's Key Contact Mrs McConnell. Please ensure that you complete as much detail as possible and ensure that the content of the referral is delivered in a sensitive manner.
Referral Process
Students can self-refer by completing a referral form and placing it into the confidential box located near Mr Laney’s office. Students can also refer by completing the referral form on the Familyworks website which is located at: