
As ambassadors for Abbey Community College all students will be expected to take pride in their personal appearance by wearing the correct school uniform at all times and complying with all aspects of the College Uniform Policy.

It is our aim at Abbey Community College to bring each individual to their full potential in a school atmosphere of harmony and shared community values.  For this reason, we insist on high standards in dress and appearance which prepare our students for successful careers in the wider community.

School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school and creating an environment for learning.

Uniform for Junior and Senior School
• Black Abbey Community College blazer with school badge
• White shirt (shirts must be tucked in). Top button secure.
• School Tie – clipped on.
• Grey V-neck jumper
• Grey V-neck jumper/cardigan
• Black trousers
• Black knee-length box-pleated skirt
• Black socks/black tights
• Plain Black outdoor coat
• No hooded tops, sweatshirts or hats are to be worn on the school premises.  This includes break and lunch times.

• Plain black leather shoes.  Black trainers ARE NOT permitted. Shoes with colour flashes or symbols are not part of the school uniform. For example – Adidas ‘gazelles’ are not permitted as they have gold writing. The only colour allowed is the small Kickers label. The VANS suede shoe is not permitted.

Uniform for Upper School: As for Junior & Senior School except for:
• Black Sixth Form blazer
• Sixth Form School Tie

PE Kit for Boys and Girls
• Abbey Community College maroon PE top
• Abbey Community College black shorts (boys)
• Abbey Community College black skort or shorts (girls)
• Maroon PE socks • Abbey Community College tracksuit (optional)
• Plain black sports leggings (Joma brand is available from uniform outlets)
• No jewellery of any type may be worn in PE or Games for Health and Safety reasons.


Attendance and Punctuality

All students are expected to come to school on time each day and do their best to have full attendance. This will ensure that valuable learning opportunities are not missed and each individual can make maximum progress.

Attendance and punctuality are monitored closely and parents are contacted should a student arrive late or be absent without explanation.

When a child of a compulsory school age is registered at a school it is essential that they attend their school regularly and maintain a pattern of good attendance throughout their school career. Excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential.

Why attend school?

These are just some of the key reason why it is important children attend school:

  • To learn.
  • To have fun.
  • To make new friends.
  • To experience new things in life.
  • To achieve.
  • To gain qualifications.
  • To develop new skills.
  • To develop awareness of other cultures, religion, ethnicity and gender differences.
  • To build confidence and self-esteem.
  • To have the best possible start in life.

Young people who regularly miss school without good reason are more likely at risk of becoming isolated from their friends, underachieving in examinations and/or become involved in anti-social behaviour.

How parents can help:

  • Establish a good routine in the mornings and evenings so your child is prepared for the school day ahead.
  • Make sure your child goes to school regularly and follows the school rules.
  • Ensure your child arrives at school on time.
  • Arrange dental and medical appointments outside of school hours when possible.
  • Always inform the school if your child is absent due to illness – this should be followed up with a written note when your child returns to school.
  • Take truancy seriously – if your child is not attending school as you expect, they may be putting themselves at risk – Who are they with? What are they doing?
  • Take family holidays outside of term time.
  • Talk to your child about school and take an interest in their school work (including homework).
  • Attend Parent Evenings and school events.  Praise and reward your child’s achievements at school.
  • Always support school staff in their efforts to manage difficult or challenging behaviour.
  • Discuss any problems or difficulties with the school staff.  We are here to help and will be supportive.

Family Holidays

You can demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by not taking holidays during term time.  Any child or young person who is absent from school due to a holiday will miss out on important learning and fall behind with their school work.

In each Academic Year there are only a maximum of 190 school days – this allows plenty of time for holidays to be arranged outside term time.

Holidays taken during term time will be categorised as an unauthorised absence.


Attendance percentages can be misleading:

100% = 0 days missed - Excellent

95% = 9 days missed - Satisfactory

90% = 19 days missed - Poor

85% = 28 days missed – Unsatisfactory (student will be referred to Education Welfare Service when their attendance is below 85%)

80% = 38 days missed - Unsatisfactory

75% = 46 days missed – Unsatisfactory


We believe that homework is a valuable means of supporting and enhancing learning beyond the confines of the school day. This enables students to develop good study habits, develop their independence and take responsibility for their own learning.

A Homework Schedule and a Student Planner helps students plan their work to meet deadlines.

Homework Schedule

Key Stage 3 

Students will receive homework at KS3 in the following subjects:


Homework set



1 per week


1 per week


1 per week


1 per week


1 per week


1 per week


1 per week


1 per fortnight


1 per fortnight


1 per fortnight

Year 10 ASDAN Continuous   Assessment

Performing   Arts

1 per fortnight

Art   & Design

1 per month

Key Stage 4  

At Key Stage 4 students will follow either a GCSE course or a BTEC/Occupational Studies Course. The regularity of tasks set may differ between subjects but students will still have work to complete in every subject every week.



Homework set

GCSE Core Subjects




RE (full course)

2 per week

GCSE Option





1 per week

(+ 1 learning)


Learning Community Day

1-2 per fortnight



1 per fortnight


Vocational Courses/Btec


Sports Studies

Travel & Tourism

Child Care


Health & Social Care

Business Studies



Coursework based/Research

On-going Assessment with evidence of regular   feedback given to students



KS3 Homework Rota 2016-17

Year 8 Homework will be set in the following subjects on the day indicated below:










Maths (Mr   Brock)   Creative  

Science   (Mrs Winchester/Dr Chambers)

Geography (Mrs   McConnell)

RE (Mrs   Gregg)


History   (Mrs McQueston)

LLW (Mrs   Butler)   Creative

Spanish   (Mr Morton)   English   (Mrs Kennedy/Mrs Bartlett)   Creative

Science (Mrs   Butler)




LLW (Mr   Gracey)   Creative

Science   (Mrs Winchester/Dr Chambers)   Maths (Ms McNaghten)

RE (Mr   Scullion)


Spanish (Mr   Morton)   History (Mrs McQueston)   Creative

Geography (Mrs   Seath)   English   (Mrs Kennedy/Mrs Bartlett)   Creative

Science (Mrs   Butler)




Maths (Mrs   Winchester)   History (Mr Watkins)   Creative

RE (Mrs   Kirkpatrick)   Geography** (Mrs Flynn)

Science (Mrs   Cromie)   English (Mrs McQuillan)   Creative

Spanish   (Mr Morton)   English (Mrs Kennedy)   LLW (Mrs Clarke)   Creative


Geography**     (Mrs McConnell)   Creative




Maths (Mr   Black*)

Science (Mrs   Winchester)

Geography   (Mr Kyle)



History (Mr   Watkins)

RE (Mr   Scullion)

English   (Miss McQuillan)   Creative

English (Mrs   Kennedy)

LLW (Miss   McQuillan)   Creative

Spanish   (Mr Morton)   Creative

Creative Groups



Students   rotate between their Creative subjects during the week in mixed classes.     Performing Arts, H.E. and Technology will set Homework once per fortnight on   the day the class is taught. Art will set Homework once per month.


*Mr Black’s Maths class are aware of an alternative approach to Homework during the week. ** When a class is shared between two teachers the Homework will alternate fortnightly between the teacher and day it is set.

Year 9 Homework will be set in the following subjects on the day indicated below:



English   (Mrs Turley)

Geography (Mrs   McConnell)   Science (Dr Chambers)



Maths (Mr   Brock)   RE (Mrs Gregg)

LLW (Mrs   Clarke)   Creative

Science   (Dr McIvor)   Creative

English   (Miss McQuillan)   History (Mrs McQueston)   Creative

Spanish   (Mr Morton)



Science   (Dr Chambers)

English   (Mrs Turley)   Creative

Geography   (Mrs McConnell)   Creative

Maths (Mrs   McN)

Science   (Dr McIvor)   Creative

Spanish   (Mr Morton)   English (Miss McQuillan)

RE (Mrs   Gregg)



History   (Miss Mulholland)

LLW (Mrs   Chambers)



LLW (Mrs   Mornin-O’Neill)


Maths (Mr   Brock)

Science   (Mrs Winchester/Dr Chambers)   Geography** (Mrs Flynn)   Creative


English   (Mrs Bartlett/Miss McQuillan)   Creative

Spanish   (Mr Morton)   RE (Mrs Gregg)

History   (Miss Mulholland)   Creative

Geography**   (Mr Shields)



History (Mrs   Magill)

Geography   (Mrs Chalmers)

Maths* (Mr   Black)   Creative



(Mrs Winchester/Dr   Chambers)   Creative

English   (Mrs Bartlett/Miss McQuillan)   Creative    

Science   (Dr McIvor)   RE (Mr Scullion)   Creative

Spanish   (Mr Morton)

LLW (Mrs   Butler)

Creative Groups



Students   rotate between their Creative subjects during the week in mixed classes.    Performing Arts, H.E. and Technology will set Homework once per fortnight on   the day the class is taught. Art will set Homework once per month.


*Mr Black’s Maths class are aware of an alternative approach to Homework during the week. ** When a class is shared between two teachers the Homework will alternate fortnightly between the teacher and day it is set

Year 10 Homework will be set in the following subjects on the day indicated below:



RE (Mrs   Gregg)   Creative

Maths   (Mrs McNaghten/Mr Watkins)

English   (Mrs Bartlett)   Creative


Geography   (Mrs Seath)   Spanish (Mr Morton)   Creative


Science   (Dr McIvor)

History   (Miss Mulholland)   Creative



Geography   (Mrs McConnell)   RE (Mr Scullion)   Creative

Maths   (Miss McNaghten/Mr Watkins)

History   (Mrs McQueston)

Science   (Mrs Winchester)



English   (Mrs Turley)



Spanish   (Mr Morton)




English   (Mrs Verner)

Geography   (Mrs McConnell)

Science   (Dr McIvor)



RE (Mr   Scullion)


Maths   (Miss McNaghten/ Mrs McConnell)   History (Mrs McQueston)


English   (Mrs Turley)    

Spanish   (Mr Morton)




English   (Mrs Verner)


Geography (Mrs   Flynn)   Science (Mrs Butler)


Maths (Miss   McNaghten/ Mrs McConnell)

RE (Mrs   Gregg)



Spanish   (Mr Morton)

English   (Mrs Turley)

History   (Miss Mulholland)



Creative Groups



Students   rotate between their Creative subjects during the week in mixed classes.    Performing Arts, H.E. and Technology will set Homework once per fortnight on   the day the class is taught. Art will set Homework once per month.   LLW ASDAN in Year 10 is Continuous Assessment and Homework will be set   regularly.


Lunchtime and After School Clubs

At Abbey Community College the educational experience of our young people will not just be confined to the classroom or the normal school day. Students have the opportunity to become involved in a variety of sporting and other activities which give valuable academic, personal and social development experiences. An outline of the range activities available are outlined below.

Whats on at Abbey May 2023.jpg

Sports Clubs and Teams

 clubs line 1.jpg

clubs line 2.jpg

clubs line 3.jpg

clubs line 4.jpg

clubs line 5.jpg 

Student Council

Youth Club

Bridge Youth Club will operate for local children and young people of all ages in the evenings over the course of the week. Details are outlined below:


Examinations Winter 2023

Exam Week W/C Tuesday 28/05/2024
Formal school exams will take place during the week beginning Tuesday 28/05/24, the schedule below indicates the days and times when you need to attend school to complete your exams. You need only be in school on the days you have exams, the other days should be used for revision and preparation. Each day school will start at 09:00 and school buses will be available to transport pupils into school. Pupils will complete all exams in their normal class groups and they will remain in the same classroom each day. There will be a short break after each exam has finished. School will end on each day at 12:30 approx; there will be no school buses or canteen lunches available on these days but the canteen will operate as normal over break.
Please make sure arrangements have been made to collect pupils from school at the end of each exam day. The importance of proper revision and preparation for all school exams cannot be underestimated as they provide important information to teachers concerning progress and understanding as well as a vital opportunity for pupils to judge their own progress and celebrate success. Please make sure you come fully prepared for each exam bring spare pens, pencils, ruler, rubber and a calculator.


Year 8

exam pupil y8 IMG.jpg

 Download a PDF version of the Year 8 Exam Timetable


Year 9

exam pupil y9 IMG.jpg 

 Download a PDF version of Year 9 Exam Timetable.
Year 10
exam pupil y10 IMG.jpg
 Download a PDF version of the Year 10 Exam Timetable.
Year 11
exam pupil y11 IMG.jpg
 Download a PDF version of the Year 11 Exam Timetable.
Year 12
exam pupil y12 IMG.jpg 
 Download a PDF version of the Year 12 Exam Timetable.
Year 13
exam pupil y13 IMG.jpg 
 Download a PDF version of the Year 13 Exam Timetable.
Year 14
exam pupil y14 IMG.jpg 
 Download a PDF version of the Year 14 Exam Timetable.





Mobile Phone Policy


Abbey Community College recognises mobile phones/devices as being an integral part of youth culture.  However, the duty of care for each and every child in the school is paramount and this policy will attempt to weigh the balance between child protection and the safe use of mobile phones/devices in school.  The following is a synopsis of the Policy, the full policy is available on the website or from the school office on request.


Camera phone:  A mobile phone or device which can record still and/or moving images and audio recordings.
Text bullying:  The use of text, picture or video clip to harass or bully another student either directly to their phone or spread to other phones or internet.
Bluetooth/Infra-red:  Proximity transfer of information between phones using wireless or infra-red technology.
Smart watches:  Watches that have the ability to do everything a mobile phone or device can do.

Mobile phone/devices use in school

  • Students are permitted to carry mobile phones/devices into school, in their bags or internal blazer pocket.
  • Abbey Community College does not accept responsibility for damage to, nor loss of, a mobile phone/device regardless of the circumstances.
  • Mobile phones can only be used to make and receive calls up to 8.45am, during break time and at lunch time.
  • They must not be used in class or in corridors between lessons.
  • Under no circumstances is any student permitted to take a photo/video/sound recording on the school premises.  Students who do this will be the subject of a disciplinary enquiry.
  • Any student found to be up-loading recordings to the Internet depicting the College brand, or involving staff or children in school uniform, will be the subject of a disciplinary enquiry.  The College reserves the right to suspend or expel a student for this action.
  • The use of mobile phones/devices is strictly prohibited in the examination hall.  This means they should be switched off and handed to the Invigilator.  According to exam regulations, if students are found with mobile phones/devices they run the risk of being disqualified from public examinations.

Guidelines on adherence to this policy

  • Students who use their mobile phones/device inappropriately in class will firstly be given a warning and asked to put it away.
  • If a student continues to use their phone/device inappropriately in class he/she will have it confiscated until the end of the day.  The phone/device will be sealed in an envelope and left in the school office.
  • If a student refuses to hand over the phone/device the teacher will make a direct referral to the Head of Year.
  • Where a student has used their phone/device inappropriately (taking photos, videos etc) the Head of School or Deputy Principal will be informed.  The phone will be held and a letter issued to the Parent/Guardian.  The phone will be returned to the Parent/Guardian at an arranged interview.
  • Serious inappropriate use of mobile phones/devices may result in the involvement of the PSNI or Social Services.

Advice to parents

Please avoid communicating with your child on their mobile phones during the day.  If there is an emergency situation where you must contact your child at any time, please phone the school on 90 867431 and we will contact your child immediately.






Revision Guides

Year 8 Guides

Year 9 Guides

 Year 10 Guides


Drop Everything And Read

Here at Abbey we believe that reading really does change lives, and as part of our mission to develop lifelong reading habits in our students, we’ve introduced a segment of DEAR ( D rop E verything A nd R ead) time into the school day. During form time, we put down what we’re doing and lose ourselves in a book that we’ve brought into school to read purely for pleasure. It’s a low stress, high value activity, and one that we hope will encourage a culture of reading in every corner of the building. There are books of all shapes, sizes and genres, and the adults in the room often join in too! So take our advice, and remember that next time it suddenly goes quiet round your part of the school there’s no need to panic - just open your book and start reading instead! We believe that the best books for DEAR Time are the books you choose for yourself, but we’re also happy to recommend books we like. Here are a few of our recent favourites, grouped into categories we think might be useful:

Mental Health and Wellbeing
Blame My Brain: Nicola Morgan
Mind Your Head: Juno Dawson
Why Your Parents Are Driving You Up the Wall: Dean Burnett
Go Big - The Secondary School Survival Guide: Matthew Burton
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: Sean Covey
The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager: Andy Cope

Making a Difference
Girls who changed the World: Michelle Roehm McCann
Boys who Made a Difference: Michelle Roehm McCann
Suffragette - The Battle for Equality: David Roberts
I Am Malala - How One Girl Changed the World: Malala Yousafzai
This Book is Anti Racist: Tiffany Jewell
Greta's Story - The Schoolgirl Who Went on Strike: Valentina Camerini

More Challenging Books for Confident Readers
Becoming: Michelle Obama
1984: George Orwell
The Book Thief: Marcus Zusak
Life of Pi: Yann Martel
The Worst Journey in the World: Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Educated: Tara Westover

Books with Hooks for Reluctant Readers
Lark: Anthony McGowan
TJ and the Hat Trick: Theo Walcott
Dork Diaries: Rachel Renee Russell
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series: Jeff Kinney
Big Nate Boredom Buster: Lincoln Pierce
Tyranny: Lesley Fairfield

Sport and Adventure
Unbelievable Football: Matt Oldfield
The Boy Who Biked The World: Alastair Humphreys
What If I Had Never Tried It: Valentino Rossi
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Aron Ralson
Fierce - How Competing for Myself Changed Everything: Aly Raisman
The Racehorse Who Learned To Dance: Clare Balding

Orangeboy: Patrick Lawrence
The Girl of Ink and Stars: Kiran Millwood Hargrave
Noughts and Crosses: Malorie Blackman
Harry Potter Series: JK Rowling
Flying Tips for Flightless Birds: Kelly McCaughrain
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian: Sherman Alexie

Non Fiction
A Really Short History of Nearly Everything: Bill Bryson
101 Things You Need To Know (and Some you Don’t): Richard Horne
Stuff That Scares Your Pants Off - Glenn Murphy
Be Your Best Self - Life Skills for Unstoppable Kids: Danielle Brown
Honor Girl: Maggie Thrash
We Should Hang Out Sometime: Josh Sundquist